Being and Presence Arising
The power of inquiry... A new friend, Kevin, asks me this question:
My interest in Being/Presence is my life. I move through my moment(s) guided by this longing to invite forth and be present with Presence/Being. Little sign posts that decorate my desk at times:
Glow Now
Please Be
Where does this arise from me, through me, in my life? There is a stillness within my dynamic moving and engaging in the world. There is a resonance that I associate with that stillness. It is filled with Essence, it is a moment when there is Life bursting through at every seem... it contains a knowing that requires no effort in being the knowing. it is an isness. That place is my wholeness navigator. It is the feedback loop that signals for me alignment. My intention is to invite it into every aspect of my life. This has been my purpose and way of being in the world long before I had any awareness of what I was 'doing'. My life has consequently been filled with vibrant colors and abundant love and a sense of frequently finding myself in a place of 'differentness' and confusion regarding the ways of other human beings. As I've gotten older and been able to be present more consciously with this way of being within myself, I have been fortunate to have more resonant souls upon my path. A most entertaining aspect of my development is recognizing how much of my 'way of being' that I take for granted. I have carried so many assumptions in my life that people are consciously choosing to not tell the truth, to not be present and connected in a conversation, to not admit their fears and uncertainties. It is an awe-full journey to discover that these are not such conscious choices for everyone...
mmmm....thank you so much for inviting me to explore this territory in words. It's always expanding for me to deepen into awareness of my process, helping to guide me in the journey of staying on the path more consistantly than I currently do.
Of course, I would love to hear what arises for you in this reading.
You have a lot of interest in Being / Presence.. I am wondering where this arises from you - through you - in your life?At that first world cafe table we were at together (with Jair and Joel) you all were talking about Almaas. Upon occasion, when people read my writing and hear me speak they ask if I have read Almaas as my language seems to resonate with his. I have not, though my partner is well read in Almaas and so I learn language through him... This is much my means of relating in the world, expanding awareness and learning new language and perspective through the process of relating with others... other including nature, the environment, myself....and connecting that which arises in the process of relating with that which naturally arises within my experience (not sure if that makes any sense). There is a deep longing within me, an insatiable hunger to taste the fullness of flavor in every experience. I am highly sensitive to my environments, picking up on subtle nuances and present sensations. I am practicing deepening this awareness within my own body, feeling more fully into the subtle pulls and calls that guide from within...learning, deepening my trust.
My interest in Being/Presence is my life. I move through my moment(s) guided by this longing to invite forth and be present with Presence/Being. Little sign posts that decorate my desk at times:
Glow Now
Please Be
mmmm....thank you so much for inviting me to explore this territory in words. It's always expanding for me to deepen into awareness of my process, helping to guide me in the journey of staying on the path more consistantly than I currently do.
Of course, I would love to hear what arises for you in this reading.