
Personalizing Language and Being Integral

An influential part of my spiritual practice is using and claiming Conscious Language. I value speaking words that are charged with personal meaning and whose definitions are in alignment with my authentic self. Giving attention to the words I choose charges my communications with a depth and span that mirrors my own being.

This intention to use language consciously has motivated a practice of claiming language. I generally have a few words in my pocket that I carry around with me. I play with the words, striving to fully understand and integrate a meaning with which I resonate. I seek clarity regarding how I and others respond to, define, and interact with the words. The information that I gather from this play allows me to settle into a grounded perception of what the words mean to me and the ways in which I value using them... And then, I stay eternally open to their constantly evolving definitions.

A word currently in my pocket is Integral... and a question spinning through me is "What does it mean to me to Be Integral?"

I freely flow with the word Integral: inclusive, including all, a complete whole where all of the parts are connected.

For me, being integral means I am commited to a journey of transcending and including. I live in a state of openness and willingness to recognize where I am constricted, attentively move beyond limitations, and integrate growth into my being. I live a life of sacred inquiry, doing the work of including and integrating that which unfolds before me and within me. Being integral means that I am always open to having my perspective expanded, I am not attached to nor repulsed by the stage of development in which I am currently operating. I am aware of and respect other stages along the spiral in both directions.

As an integral person, I accept my own reality as being significant and real and I accept another's reality as being significant and real. My purpose, however, is to spread the greatest good, transcending limitations and blockages. I honor whole people for who they are in this moment and I keep my vision focused on each of us in our highest light, holding space for us to fully know and embrace that aspect of our True Selves.

The most direct action that I "Do" in my practice of 'being integral' is that I am aware. I am attentive to my awareness. I value being aware of what is occurring within me and in my environment. I am aware of responses that arise within me, in my body, my emotions, and my thoughts. I am aware of how I am interacting with others, being highly attentive to interpersonal lines of connection and communication. I am aware of myself and the roles that I play in the world, the actions I take. I am aware of the world beyond me and attentive to that which is unfolding.

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As each of us offers our precious drops to the ocean of existence, our ripples spread, creating the rings of humanity. My first drops in this pond will continue to explore what it means for me to 'Be Integral.' This journey has now begun and I welcome you to join and participate as much as your heart desires!

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